Currents & Breaking News
Volume 4, Issue No. 30
/ News That Fears None, Views That Favor Nobody /
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The News UpFront: (TOP STORY) as of Sunday, August 29, 2010
~ Media coverage of the upcoming election in Toronto has been confined to a few candidates, none of whom speaks about the concerns and issues of a long neglected constituency -- the huge and vote-rich "visible minority". Thirty-seven are running for mayor of Canada's largest city yet the media focus is only on five. One candidate, Phil Taylor, breaks from the mudslinging mould of the five and provides a refreshing look at city politics. No traditional politician he appears to be. He preaches harmony and amity in the face of current adversities. To him, politics need not be bloody and insulting.
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Phil Taylor at Toronto's financial district. |
Politics Need Not Be a Blood Sport,
Says Toronto Mayoral Candidate
TORONTO -- With the way mainstream media is portraying the Oct. 25 election, voters don't seem to have much of a choice. As if there's a dearth of qualified people.
The truth is, out of the five candidates getting all the media attention, there are thirty-two others less conspicuous but probably more qualified to run Toronto as mayor.
For the most part they are faceless, no name recall like a Miller or Ford, or a Harper or Ignatief, but just as enthusiastic to change the culture of politics at City Hall.
Consider Phil Taylor, author, public speaker, motivational guru.
Soft-spoken with an immense capacity to bear no malice towards anyone, he refuses to engage in the current muck-racking among the mainstream media's five, namely, in alphabetical order, Rob Ford, Jose Pantalone, Rocco Rossi, George Smitherman and Sarah Thomson.
Every tired word, every irrelevant issue, every little gaffe are magnified a thousand times by these media and re-echoed a hundred thousand times more in cyberspace so long as they are spewed from any of the five mouths of the talking heads.
It is in this context that Phil Taylor is a refreshing sight, perhaps a re-energizing change for all Toronto.
"I choose not to make this politics a blood sport," he declares in an interview with this reporter. It is his belief, he said, that running for a public office need not be that bloody and insulting.
Taylor preaches love, harmony and amity not for the sake of maintaining the status quo, as in the way public affairs are run and managed at City Hall, but as a means of evoking positives from everyone and preserving goodwill inherent in every man.
Asked why he stays quiet amidst the rancour among the candidates, he retorts: "That's not the path I want to go down".
(An earlier live interview is available at: )
Taylor premises his run for Toronto mayor on the glaring fact that only 35 percent of registered voters have gone to vote in the past elections.
"This means people are discouraged," he explains. "They're not showing up in polls".
He adds: "That also means that people in positions of power and the candidates themselves are not addressing the majority of Torontonians".
"The core is this: People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care," Taylor states, sounding philosophical.
"The real question is: Do they really care? I just want to know if you care about me," he says.
Taylor does care enough for Toronto and its 2.48 million population (5.5 million in the Greater Toronto Area) that he wants to roll back taxes if he gets elected, and cut the mayor's salary. At least those two items are high in his agenda.
"Half of their (the population) life is being hijacked by the government through taxes," he explains. "We are not finding solutions by increasing taxes," he adds.
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To know more about the election, please visit the city's official website at:
For the list of candidates, please visit:
(This Currents & Breaking News may be posted online, broadcast or reprinted upon request by interested parties. Permission by the author and the editor must be obtained before any re-posting online or re-publication in print or re-broadcast. Copyright by Romeo P. Marquez, Editor, Philippine Village Voice, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Volume 4, Issue no. 30, August 29, 2010. Email at: or
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